Me and my profession (ағылшын тіліндегі эссе)

ұйымдастырылған оқу қызметінің конспектісі
Me and my profession (essay)

My full name is Mustafaeva Alfiya Altaevna. I live in Kazakhstan and I am Kazakh is my native language. I am an English Teacher. І learned English very well and now I want to share my experience with other  people. І had my first contact with English when I was six.  My mum  inspired me to listen to The Beatles. I listened to them every day for the next seven years. In the beginning I could understand nothing of what they were singing. But soon I started to understand individual words, especially the ones which appeared in the titles. Later I got a book with the words of all the songs. Read books many times. I learned many songs by heart. I sang the songs to myself. Still, I understood very little of the meaning. It became my dream to learn English so well that I could understand The Beatles. So The Beatles were my first motivation. That is how I started my way toward English.

Today, I can understand  The Beatles very clearly. Each time I hear a Beatles song, I am delighted and proud because I have made my childhood dream come true. So I dreamed to be an English teacher and read a lot of English books. After school, I took the academic lyceum ,then I went to Almaty University.Today I am an English teacher at school № 14. Teaching is one of the best, most honest and most responsible professions in life. Teacher should always be in search.We must always be new to the news, as our President says, «Today we have a great responsibility. Our main asset is human and human goodness is a teacher «, because the future of Kazakhstan is the young generation, and we are teachers who directly affect the future . When I began my career, I understood the importance of my career in the process of teaching students.

I come to this profession My great love for English and the love of children. I love my job very much. Because the subject I teach is one of the greatest professions in the world. My goal as a foreign language teacher is one of the most pressing issues in our country and in the world. But I also try to instill in my students the interest in English and their interest in knowledge by various new methods, and I change my conversations every day. Of course, every profession will have its own problem, and I have such difficulties. «Five fingers will not be the same», as everyone in the class does not want to read the same, they have bad classmates, working with them is sometimes difficult, and this is a major problem for me because it is a challenge for the learning process. But I also try to overcome these difficulties, I try to find an individual language for each student, I want to explore each classroom and put it in class, so I need to use new technologies and make a lot of research.

What I have noticed in practice is that the students enjoy ICT lessons, and their interest in them increases. United Kingdom, the United States and other English-speaking students, interactive whiteboards to display video on the state of the job in preparing my love interest in the subject of children. But the main problem here is that we do not have an interactive board in our English language office, so this is not the case for me.
I am very happy to meet talented students. I make every effort to further develop their talents and love for English. Sometimes I even have to repeat my textbooks. The new program, which has recently been added, is of great importance to my pedagogical experience. I studied the updated program. As a result, I learned the new innovative methods that I learned so effective for my work.

Particularly, ideas for 7 modules, criteria-based assessments, feedback. The feedback — I can say that criticism of my work by students is a big step toward knowing their suggestions to improve my teaching. In general, I like the ideas of these Cambridge courses, and I know that I use this program regularly .»Kazakhstan should be regarded as a state with a higher education, intelligence, and the ability to use three languages ​​in the world. That is, the Kazakh language is native language, Russian is the language of interethnic communication, and English is the language of successful integration into the global economy. » І always try to do my job in this direction, being guided by these words of the Head of State, I am convinced that most of the people of Kazakhstan speak in three languages ​​a day.

      І am a young teacher, but I am a young, enthusiastic, and I am convinced that I will change my surrounding world, not just my pupils but also their friends, close relationships with them, I try to talk to them openly, and try to increase their confidence in themselves. I consider myself an active teacher, as not only is it possible to teach, but also try to participate in all cultural events in the school.

I am active, and I always have good relationships with my pupils and my colleagues, always in the movement, professionalism.

In my opinion, the most important thing is to have a proficient knowledge of his subject among the criteria for determining a good teacher. The other is to be aware of the latest technologies and techniques and to select them to fit each student’s individual abilities and capabilities. That’s why I try to constantly improve my professional skills and learn more about my subject.

These qualities are very small in our society. And if such a teacher meets in front of the pupils, they will surely become a reliable and enduring person in life.

A good teacher needs to be constantly on the lookout, changing the environment and changing it. And the main purpose of learning is to get a lot of education. Another of my plans for the future is to print out my own tutorial, or to release my methodological manual. Of course, this content should be linked to this new constructive-constructive theory, and I would introduce some methodologies that fit each subject, considering all seven modules in this textbook. By selecting them, I would be inclined to inclusive school to develop talented and talented children who are age-appropriate, taking into account the peculiarities of each pupil, and by implementing the basic methodological requirements for teaching English.

Always study children to do this. I always conduct research. Only then will I be a new form of teacher. Only then will I be called a real good teacher. By requiring myself, I will definitely reach my goals. І live in what I say. I lead my students to great success. I want to set a new goal and show them how to achieve that goal.

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