My family (Сабақ жоспары)

Гомотетия және оның қасиеттері


LESSON:  My family (term 2) School: named after K.Kaisenov
Date: Teacher name: Abylkasimova D.E.
CLASS: 2 Number present: absent:
Learning objectives 2.R1 read and spell out words for others

2.L3 understand the main points of short, slow and
carefully articulated talk on routine and familiar topics
features such as colour and number

2.S3 pronounce familiar words with support

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Read and spell words

Pronounce familiar words with support

Most learners will be able to:
Describe the people using new vocabulary

Match the pictures with the sentences

Some learners will be able to:

Read the descriptions and match the pictures

Describe a person orally

Assessment criteria §  Read and spell out for others

§  Recognize the main information of the familiar topic

§  Pronounce familiar words of the topic

Value links National unity, peace and harmony in our society
(Mangilik el)
ICT skills Video, flashcards, worksheetsAbylkasimova D.E.
Cross curricular Self —  Knowledge, awareness of rhyme of a
language phenomenon


Previous learning Term 1 (All about me)
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) Resources

3 min

Warm up

The teacher greets the students and asks questions to them.

-Good morning!

-Nice to meet you!

-How are you?

Warm up



5-7 min












































 And now look at the whiteboard, I’ll show you a video.

After showing a video,teacher writes the new words on the blackboard.


Children repeat new words after the teacher in groups,individually and with whole class.

Every  drilling teacher gives them comments:

— Very good!

— Excellent!

— Good job!

Vocabulary work

Family members Word Search Puzzle


Read and find the words

Spell out the words appropriately

Assessment (group assessment)

In this task learners after finishing this task groups swap their papers and gives marks according this instructions:


— 1 mistake
2 mistakes
— 3 and more mistakes

Odd one out

Teacher gives worksheets to ss and gives instructions:

·         Read the words

·         Find the extra words and cross it

Mother   sister   apple

Milk   brother   grandpa

Father   bread   grandpa

Banana   sister   baby


Poster and flashcards




Worksheet 1





















Worksheet 2































10 min
















5 min

  Task 1

Assessment criteria:

·         Read the word

·         Spell out the words for others

Match the words with the pictures and spell them


·         Reads the words

·         Matches the words with the pictures

·         Pronounce the words clearly

Differentiation: (by task)

For stronger learners instead pictures I’ll give them definitions(e.g. your father’s mother is your…… grandma

Peer assessment(with method ‘Shapes’)

In this task learners after finishing task swap their papers with their partner and gives marks according this instructions:

— 1 mistake

2 mistakes

— 3 and more mistakes


Task 2

Assessment criteria:

·         Recognise the main information in a short carefully articulated talk on familiar topics

Listen to the teacher. Put the numbers under the right picture as you listen.


—          My name is Sultan. I have a big family. There are father,mother,sister and elder sister.


·         Find the correct picture according to heard information

·         Puts the right number under the pictures

Differentiation (by support)

·         For weaker learners I’ll give them visual instructions on the blackboard or on worksheets

·         Stronger learners should describe the picture orally

Self — assessment with method Mr.Can (read the criteries and put a tick or cross)



Yes No
I can read and spell out words for others    
I can recognize the main information of the word    
I can describe the people using new vocabulary    
I can match the pictures with the sentences    




Worksheet 3
























Worksheet 4





















Self – assessment sheet


3 min




Reflection (with method ‘Traffic lights’)

—           — I understand what to do and can do it on my own

                    — I think I understand what to do but need more                                 .                     practise

                    — I don’t really understand and need someone to help

                   Home task: to learn all of the new words.

   Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? Cross-curricular links
Values links
Task 1

(differentiation by task)

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modelling with examples (e.g.matching words with pictures)

For stronger learners complicated tasks(e.g.instead pictures I give them definitions).

Task 2(differentiation by support)

For weaker learners modelling with examples, for stronger learners describing orally

·      Pre-reading and while-reading tasks.

In both tasks I used assessment with method ‘Shapes’.

But in first task learners assess each others in group(group assessment),in while-reading task learners assess their partners(peer assessment)

In these tasks learners after finishing swap their papers and gives marks according this instructions:


— 1 mistake

2 mistakes

   — 3 and more mistakes


·      For post-reading task – Self — assessment

Assessment with method Mr.Can (read the criteries and put a tick or cross)

Criteria Yes No
I can read and spell out words for others    
I can recognize the main information of the word    
I can describe the people using new vocabulary    
I can match the pictures with the sentences    
·      Value links: National unity, peace and harmony in our society (Mangilik el)

·      Cross-curricular links: self-knowledge, awareness of rhyme of a language phenomenon

·      ICT: video,worksheets,flashcards,poster



Абылкасимова Динара

ШҚО, Тарбағатай ауданы, Қарасу ауылы,
Қ.Қайсенов атындағы орта мектебінің
ағылшын тілі пән мұғалімі