Outdoor, factory and service jobs 2 (ашық сабақ)

“Шығармалардағы әдіс –амалдарды жетілдіру” Ашық сабақ

Lesson title: Outdoor, factory and service jobs 2.

Learning objectives

5.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

5.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics

5.R9 recognize the difference between fact and opinion in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and curricular topics

Assessment criteria

uses a limited range of general and curricular words

speaks and compares, using informal registers in his talk.

analyzes and evaluates, using informal and formal registers in his talk

Values links A secular society with high spirituality
Previous learning Names of usual professions
Planned timings Planned activities {replace the notes below with your planned activities} Resources


8 min

I. Org. moment

Greeting with pupils.

II. Circle of wishes

“I wish you ….”(pupil will wish each other . )

III. Dividing 2 groups with pictures.

Cards with group names.


30 min

IV. Brain storming to lead-in the theme.

Presentation of the words through pictures and cartoon.

an ecologist a pilot a shepherd

a cosmonaut a sailor a cowboy

V. Work with vocabulary. Phonetic drills

Writing the words and phrases into vocabularies with their transcription and definition.

VI. Work with text.

Task 1. Read the text and translate.


A farmer lives in a village. Hе grow crops and keeps animals. He works very hard. Hе gets up early morning and begins to work in the field. Нe takes his plough and a pair of oxen with him. Нe continues to work from morning to evening. For him, rain, cold or sun do not matter much. A farmer leads a very simple life. A farmer grows food, grains, vegetables and fruits.

Answer the questions.

1. Where are lives the farmers?

2. How does he work?

3. What they grow up?

Descriptor: A learner

— read the text

— answer the questions

Task 2.

Complete the sentences using specific vocabulary.

Village, oxen, fruit, vegetables, field, food, grain.

1. A farmer lives in a __________.

2. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the__________.

3. He takes his plough and pair of __________ with him.

4. A farmer grows ______, ______ , ______ and _______.

Descriptor: A learner
  • work on individual
  • complete the sentences

VII. Warm up.

Pupil read the moves in the video.


VIII. Formative assessment.

Giving the assessment shares .

1)policeman 2)doctor 3)fireman 4)soldier 5)builder 6)teacher.

Pictures on the slides and on the cards.

Cards with occupations.


Assessment shares.



IX. Feedback .

“Tree assessment”

Green apple – I learned a lot today.

Yellow apple – I don’t like.

Red apple – I still have questions.

Tree’s picture and stickers.
Writing the words and phrases into vocabularies with their transcription.

an ecologist [ikɔliʤist] – эколог

a pilot [‘pailət] – ұшқыш

a shepherd [‘ʃepəd] –пастух

a cosmonaut [kɔzmənɔ:t] – ғарышкер

a sailor [‘seilə] –теңізші

a cowboy [‘kaubɔɪ] –ковбой

Task 1. Read the text and translate.


A farmer lives in a village. Нe grow crops and keeps animals. Не works very hard. Hе gets up early morning and begins to work in the field. Hе takes his plough and a pair of oxen with him. Не continues to work from morning to evening. For him, rain, cold or sun do not matter much. A farmer leads a very simple life. A farmer grows food, grains, vegetables and fruits.

Answer the questions.

1. Where are lives the farmers?

2. How does he work?

3. What they grow up?

Descriptor: A learner

— read the text

— answer the questions

Task 2.

Complete the sentences using specific vocabulary.

Village, oxen, fruit, vegetables, field, food, grain.

1. A farmer lives in a __________.

2. He gets up early morning and begins to work in the__________.

3. He takes his plough and pair of __________ with him.

4. A farmer grows ______, ______ , ______ and _______.

Descriptor: A learner

  • work on individual
  • complete the sentences