Storytime! The Mouse garden.

Гомотетия және оның қасиеттері
Title: Storytime! The Mouse garden. School: №21

«Checked up»

Deputy of study:______________

Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: 1 Number present: absent:
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

1.S5 produce words in response to basic prompts

1.L1 recognise short instructions for basic classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
  • To develop listening and reading comprehension skills through a story;
  • to listen to and read a story from England about how a mouse shows gratitude to his friends.
Language focus

I’ve got a lot of food!

Give me some food, please!

Target vocabulary mouse, rabbit, food, friend
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) Resources

5 minutes




Teacher: How are you today?

Children: We are fine, thank you!

Warm up

T asks Ss different kind of questions (W)

1. Do you have pet?

2. What’s its name?

3. Ask learners what new words they remember.


(An activity to introduce the topic of the story.)

Have a class discussion, in L 1 if necessary, about food and not having food. Ask the pupils who they would go to if they needed food. Also ask what friends are for, etc.


Use the story cards to present the story.

(see the Introduction on how to use the story cards.)

Listen and read.(Track 56 CD1)

Play the CD. The pupils listen and follow along in their books. Play the CD again. The pupils repeat, chorally and/or individually.







Summary: The field mouse is taking some food to his baby mice but he doesn’t realise that there’s a hole in his sack. By the time he arrives home, there’s no food left. The field mouse is very upset. He asks for food from Mr Rabbit, Mrs Parrot and Mr Tortoise. His friends give him food and now there’s a lot of food for the field mouse and his baby mice. The field mouse wants to show his gratitude to his friends. Next summer, he gathers food to give back to them to thank them.


Put up the story cards in random order. Ask the pupils to come and put the cards in the right order. Play the CD for verification.

Assign roles and allow the pupils, in groups, some time to rehearse. Ask the groups to act out the story. They can use the story cards for help.

Have a discussion, in L 1 necessary, about the moral of the story. Tell the pupils that though we may need and ask for help, we should always return the favour, otherwise we would become selfish. Here, the mouse needed food for his family, but in the end, he never forgot his friends who helped him.

Extension activity(Optional) Before going into class

Photocopy the story cards, from the Teacher’s Resource Pack CD-ROM, one set per pupil.

Hand out the story cards. Ask the pupils to colour them and use them to make their own story books.

Crayons, worksheets

Pictures of rabbit, mouse Parrot





(An activity to consolidate the language if the lesson.)

Before going into class

Have sheets of coloured construction paper ready. Also, have glue, scissors and colouring pencils, ready for the pupils to use. Alternatively, ask pupils to bring their own from the previous lesson.

Ask the pupils to imagine they are the mouse in the story. Tell the pupils that they are going to make a Thank You card for their friends ( Mr Rabbit, Mr Tortoise, Mrs Parrot) to express gratitude. Hand out the paper and guide them through the drawing and cutting of the card Finally, help them write the sentence. Thank you (for all the food! Love, Mr Mouse). Alternatively, write the sentence on the board for the pupils to copy. The pupils can decorate their cards any way they like. Display the pupils’ cards around the classroom.


If you wish, you can do page 48 from the Activity Book during this lesson or the next one.

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