International Organizations (Сабақ жоспары)

Гомотетия және оның қасиеттері

The theme: “ International Organizations”                 

  Form 10

Aims: Educational: presentation of words of cooperation and political terms. To teach of using of modal verbs: ‘should’ and ‘ought to’

Development: to develop students’ skills in reading, understanding, writing,  speaking and describing systems, comparing international organizations.

Bringing up: bring up to be educated, cultural and kind.

Visual aids: textbook, computer, pictures, information from Internet, slides, cards.

The Procedure of the Lesson.

  1. Organization moment. Greeting and talking about weather.
  2. Brainstorming.
  3. Have you ever heard about the British Council?
  4. Is there such an organization in Kazakhstan?
  5. What does it do in Kazakhstan ?
  6. Where is the office of the British Council located in Almaty?
  7. Is it the only international organization in Kazakhstan?
  • Pronunciation of words. Match the English words with their translations.

promote                                    қаржыландыру

supervise                                  басқару, бақылау

benefit                                      бағалау, айыппұл өлшемі

handle                                       нығайту

finance                                      пайда келтіру

assess                                        қолмен жасау

run                                            басқару, өткізу

client                                         бір жұмысы болу

administer                                клиент

  1. Reading the text “ The British Council”
  2. Comprehension check.
  3. Translate into English.





бірлесіп жұмыс істеу

ақпарат беру



  1. V. Group work. Reading the information.

Group A. “ The Golden Jubilee”

Group B. “ Her Majesty the Queen”

Group C. “ Prince Phillip”

VI Talking. Answer the questions.

  1. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain?
  2. When did they celebrate the Golden Jubilee?
  3. How many members of the Royal family took part in the national party?
  4. How is the Queen called?
  5. When was the Queen born?
  6. Where was Princess Elizabeth educated ?
  7. Whose son was Prince Phillip?
  8. Why did the Prince come to Britain?
  • Complete the chart with information from the texts.


     time                  Information


  • Revision of the Grammar.

The modal verbs. Explaining of using modal verbs.

  1. He ought to help his friends.
  2. You ought to look after your grandparents.
  3. You didn’t do your homework . You ought to have done it yesterday.
  4. I think I had better choose this project.


Should, ought to , had better have basically the same meaning .

” This is a good idea”.


  1. Doing of grammar exercise.
  2. Retell the text.
  3. Conclusion. Complete the chart.
      I  know I want to know I ‘ve learnt




Дереккөз: «Ұстаз» ғылыми әдістемелік журналы

Басқа материалдар: 

  1. Ағылшын тілінен ҰБТ тапсырмасы жауабымен (І нұсқа)
  2. Ағылшын тілінен сабақ жоспары. Theme of the lesson: What’s your name? (5 сынып)
  3. Ағылшын тілінен ҰБТ тапсырмасы жауабымен (ІІІ нұсқа)
  4. Ағылшын тілінен сабақ жоспары. Theme of the lesson: Good morning! (5 сынып)
  5. Мөлдір бұлақ – жасыл құрақ. Өзін-өзі тану пәнінен сабақ жоспары
  6. Сабақ жоспары: Күләш Байсейітованың өмірі мен қызметі
  7. «Қызықты математика» үйірме жоспары
  8. Ағылшын тілінен ҰБТ сұрақтары
  9. Ағылшыннан ҰБТ тапсырмалары (І нұсқа)
  10. Ағылшыннан ҰБТ тапсырмалары (ІІ нұсқа)